Getting started

This launcher has been rewritten in 2020 to use mainly a fake Java Native Interface to communicate with Minecraft: Bedrock Edition. Additionally shortly after the release of the first 64bit versions on the Google Play Store, this previously 32bit only Launcher has been ported to arm64 and x86_64.


Prebuilt AppImage binary’s for linux x86_64, x86, armv7 hardfloat and armv8 are currently available here. After downloading simply open terminal, chmod +x Minecraft_Bedrock_Launcher-x86_64.0.0.661.AppImage and run it. With some Filemanagers you should be able to run it with double click, similar to running a *.exe file on Windows. Otherwise run it from a Terminal ./Minecraft_Bedrock_Launcher-x86_64.0.0.661.AppImage

If it’s your first time you have installed an AppImage and you want an Icon in your startmenu

  • install AppImageLauncher
  • run the AppImage like before
  • AppImageLauncher will ask you to integrate it, press yes
  • You can now start and update the Launcher directly from your startmenu


You can also install mcpelauncher on Linux via Flathub. To install it, first setup Flatpak then run

Install / Update System Wide

sudo flatpak install flathub io.mrarm.mcpelauncher

To update the launcher if already installed you can run this command

sudo flatpak update

Install / Update User

flatpak install --user flathub io.mrarm.mcpelauncher

To update the launcher if already installed you can run this command

flatpak update


If it’s your first time you have installed a Flatpak please logout from your Computer and sign back in to be able to find the Launcher inside your startmenu.

To run it from a Teriminal, run

flatpak run io.mrarm.mcpelauncher

If it doesn’t start you can enable debug logging like this

flatpak run io.mrarm.mcpelauncher -v

Debian, Ubuntu and Fedora repo

How to add the apt or rpm repository.

Once added you can install the mcpelauncher-manifest, mcpelauncher-ui-manifest and msa-manifest packages to install the launcher system wide.

Debian / Ubuntu

sudo apt update
sudo apt install mcpelauncher-manifest mcpelauncher-ui-manifest msa-manifest


sudo dnf install mcpelauncher-manifest mcpelauncher-ui-manifest msa-manifest


You can find it in the startmenu or run the following command


If it doesn’t start you can enable debug logging like this

mcpelauncher-ui-qt -v


Prebuilt macOS binary’s are currently available here. Always copy the App to a writeable location otherwise the updater won’t work.

If you want to compile from sources on macOS go here (Outdated as of 2021-07-27).

Source build

If there are no packages available for your distribution, check out the Building from sources guide.

You can also use the Linux build script (Outdated as of 2021-07-27).